Monday, February 25, 2008

So Exited:D

Jimmy and I are going on a date. Yeahh. We are going to Little Italy. Maybe even China Town, which is right around the corner. Also, I so want to go to Times Square afterwards with Jimmy. Time Square is like a huge, colorful lightbulb. It's never empty, and hardly ever quiet. Pff. If you even have the slightest idea of what TS was like, WHEW[:
I actually saw Legally Blonde on Broadway a couple weeks ago. It made me laugh. Hahaha. Anyway, I will be wearing a double-breasted, turquoise and gold, flowy halter. Medium wash, Lucky skinny jeans and Chanel gold flats. My hair will be flipped at the ends and probably I will e wearing some Midnight Black Mascara, bronze eyeshadow, Gergi's tinted light pink blush and some rosy lip gloss. Yes?
Lmao. Well, right now I'm doing a mani. Well, acutally I'm just putting on some clear nail polish on. My nails are shiny[:
Well, the date is at 8. It's...6:43 PM right now. So....Check You Laterr.
Love Me
Hate Me
I'm Still Gonna Shine;;


Aly said...

The outfit sounds GREAT. Im sure Jimmy will be all over you like a band-aid on a scabed knee(:


Caitlin!™ said...

aww, thanks!
Lmao. Agreed[: