Thursday, March 6, 2008


Hi girlies and boy-ies[:
Srry again. I haven't posted, in like foreveerr:p
Anyway, things been good. Been party-hardy-ing[:
Ya know, I've been rawkin' it up as usuall.
So, have you added me on myspace yet? NO??? Well, then GET TO IT;; SHUN.
Pinky-Promise I'll add ya. But you gotta give me a comment that you're gonna add me, Kay???
Oookay. Well, I'm going to a football game tomorroww. Yay[:
Of course, we willl WIN! Whoooooopie.
Well, sorry to cut the post short...But GTG!

Love Me
Hate Me
I'm Still Gonna Shine;;


Isabella said...

a football game in march? in NYC? i dont think so.

Anonymous said...

cute blog~
maybe check mine out sometimeee

Clowie:] said...

heart your blog check mine out

xoxoMassie said...

Hey, It's Massie Block. Just want evry1 to know I made a blah-g. Soo, check it out. TTFN